Chinmaya Education Movement

Gurudev believed in a system of education that invested not just on the child but also in the child. He used to say that children are not just vessels to be filled in but lamps to be lit. The prevalent system aims only at providing employment. It does not impart virtues like courage, efficiency, independence, self-reliance and foresight necessary for facing the challenges of modern life with equanimity. The Chinmaya Vision Programme was envisaged by Swamiji to pave the way for the intergrated development of the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual aspects of personality, enriched by the knowledge of the diversity and grandeur of Indian culture, a feeling of patriotism and a Universal outlook. This approach would give the children the moral strength to face life with a smile and make a difference to the world with their positive contributions. The Central Chinmaya Mission Trust Education Cell runs 77 Chinmaya Vidyalayas, an International School, a Harihar School and 8 Chinmaya Colleges that offer education with a difference. The great sage who inspired this movement was confident that this system of education would create a new generation of enlightened fearless, confident, self-reliant men and women eager to realize his dream of a resurgent new India.

"Every body exists. It is only a few who live. To live you should have an IDEAL"

So said Gurudev. The Vidyalayas he founded are engaged in the task of providing the children with an IDEAL that can transform society.